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My clients include:

  • Aboriginal organisations, especially Aboriginal community controlled health services
  • Government Departments and Agencies, in the health, justice and environment portfolios
  • Research organisations with an interest in knowledge transfer to policy and practice


Completed projects



  • Assist with development of Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Strategic Plan. March to October 2018.
  • Health Policy Services, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress.
  • Submission to the National Alcohol Strategy 2018-2022, for Central Australian Aboriginal Congress.
  • Submission to  inform the development of a Northern Territory Climate Change Strategy, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress.
  • Senior Administration and Reporting Support for the National Best Practice Unit for Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS).
  • Submission to the Northern Territory Liquor Commission review of takeaway licence conditions in Alice Springs, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress
  • Draft report of the Action Plan for Healing project, The Healing Foundation
  • Developed a practical toolkit for service planners for implementing a 'three streams of care' approach to AOD treatment, with Lyn Allen. Australian National Advisory Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ANACAD).
  • Developed strategic plan 2018-2021 for Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation, Tennant Creek.
  • Assistance to the Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute, Pat Anderson AO, including with the preparation of speeches  and papers.  


  • Prepare submission from Central Australian Aboriginal Congress to the Referendum Council regarding the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution.
  • Assist with the preparation of 'Bringing Them Home 20 years on: An action plan for healing', for The Healing Foundation. With Pat Anderson AO.
  • Assist Central Australian Aboriginal Congress to prepare a submission to to inform the development of the National FASD Strategy 2018 - 2028.
  • Administrative, liaison and reporting support for the National Best Practice Unit for Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS).
  • Participate in the Department of Health 'Funding Model Working Group', as nominated by National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO).
  • Prepare paper for Australian National Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drugs (ANACAD), on Characteristics for providing Alcohol and Other Drug Services through Comprehensive Primary Health Care in Indigenous Health Services – a model in Central Australia.
  • Develop strategic plan for Katherine West Health Board.
  • Provision of policy support services to the Healing Foundation, July to December 2017.
  • Assist Peoples Alcohol Action Coalition to prepare a submission to the Northern Territory Alcohol Policies and Legislation Review.
  • Assist Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation prepare set of grant funding applications.
  • Assistance to the Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute, Pat Anderson AO, including with the preparation of speeches  and papers. 


  •  Design, run and document stakeholder engagement workshop for Strategic Workforce Branch of the Northern Territory Primary Health Network (NT PHN).
  • Research, advocacy and policy services for Central Australian Aboriginal Congress.
  • Prepare tender for Central Australian Aboriginal Congress for Abecedarian Centre in Alice Springs.
  • Assist Central Australian Aboriginal Congress to prepare a submission to the Royal Commission into the Child Protection and Youth Detention Systems of the Northern Territory.
  • Assist the Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition to prepare a submission to the Royal Commission into the Child Protection and Youth Detention Systems of the Northern Territory.
  • Design, facilitation and documentation of a joint planning session with three strategic advisory councils to the NT PHN.
  • Prepare response to the Productivity Commission's draft Report Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services, on behalf of the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT (AMSANT).
  • Administrative, liaison and reporting support for the National Best Practice Unit for Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS), June to December 2016. 
  • Assistance to the Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute, Pat Anderson AO, including with the preparation of speeches and papers, January 2016 to December 2016.


  • Key performance indicators for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing, mental health and substance misuse in Queensland, for the Queensland Mental Health Commission. Research and community consultations to develop a broad set of KPIs. With Don Lewis (HIC Consulting), Pat Anderson AO, and Komla Tsey (The Cairns Institute, James Cook University), May to October 2015. 
  • Performance Appraisal. Carry out performance appraisal process for the Directors of Katherine West Health Board, October 2015.
  • Preparation of papers for the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Board on governance issues, July to October 2015.
  • Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee On Law Enforcement Inquiry into crystal methamphetamine (Ice). Research and write submission to Federal Parliamentary Inquiry, for Central Australian Aboriginal Congress. September 2015.
  • Proposal for the development of primary health care services in West Arnhem region, prepared for the Red Lily Health Board, April to June 2015.
  • Indigenous Higher Education Policy Forum. Prepare strategic report on outcomes of the Forum for the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training. April 2015.
  • Assistance to the Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute, Pat Anderson AO, including with the preparation of speeches  and papers, January 2015 to December 2015.


  • Assistance to the Northern Territory Medicare Local, including conducting consultation workshops with PHC stakeholders in Darwin and Alice Springs, facilitating a workshop Aboriginal Health Committee, and holding consultations to progress tendering for a Primary Health Care Network, October to December 2014.
  • Funding submission to the PM&C Indigenous Advancement Strategy, prepared for the Northern Territory  Stolen Generations Aboriginal Corporation (with Origin Consulting), October 2014.
  • Submission to the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly Select Committee on Action to Prevent Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Research and write a submission to the Northern Territory Government Inquiry, for the People’s Alcohol Action Coalition, Alice Springs. May to June 2014. See
  • Submission to the House Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs Inquiry into the harmful use of alcohol in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Research and write a submission to the Commonwealth Government Inquiry, for the People’s Alcohol Action Coalition, Alice Springs. February to April 2014. See
  • City of Darwin Community Health and Wellbeing Plan (with Origin Consulting). Develop and write a community wellbeing plan for the City of Darwin, based on extensive consultations, surveys and research, September 2013 to June 2014. See:
  • Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation Strategic Plan. Work with Board and staff of Anyinginyi to develop three year strategic plan for the organisation. November 2013 to February 2014
  • Northern Territory Stolen Generations Aboriginal Corporation Strategic Plan. Work with Board of NTSGAC to review and develop three year strategic plan for the organisation. September 2013 to February 2014.


  • Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation Team Workshops.Working with sections of Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation, Tennant Creek, to enhance team functioning to achieve organisation’s goals. September to December 2013.
  • Needs Assessment and Planning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Specialist Outreach Services, Queensland. Carried out for CheckUp and the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC), with Origin Consulting. July to September 2013.
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan. Work with OATSIH to support the writing and development of the NATSIHP, September 2012 to May 2013.
  • Cultural Security Framework for Katherine West Health Board. Develop framework to assist non-Aboriginal staff understand and incorporate cultural safety in their practice. With Jeannie Devitt, March to July 2013.
  • Gippsland Koolin Balit Implementation Plan 2013-15. Community and stakeholder consultations and presentation of recommendations, with Origin Consulting. July to October 2013.
  • Leadership Workshop, Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation. Prepare and deliver workshop to enhance work of management team, Tennant Creek, June 2013.
  • Assistance to the Chairperson and CEO of the Lowitja Institute, January 2013 to December 2013, including assistance with preparing a submission to the NHMRC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research Ethics Evaluation, and preparation of an application for continued CRC funding.


  • Online Services Report (OSR) Revision Project (with Don Lewis of Health Informatics Consulting). Review OSR data collection for OATSIH, through consultations with Aboriginal community controlled health sector, Department of Health and Ageing and other stakeholders, July 2012 to December 2012
  • AMSANT Governance and Governance Planning. Design, facilitate and write up series of workshops to produce a governance model and processes for AMSANT to establish its strategic priorities, April to August 2012.
  • Evaluation of Relationships Australia's "In Pursuit of Respectful Relationships" Courses, Darwin (with Jeannie Devitt). Multi-method evaluation of courses for men with controlling, abusive or violent behaviours, December 2010 to October 2012.
  • Telehealth infrastructure project funding submission. Assist the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) prepare a funding submission to the Department of Health and Aging for an infrastructure project under the NBN-Enabled Telehealth Pilots Program. May 2012.
  • Research Roundtable on Tele-health, Environmental Health, and Nutrition, Darwin. Assist David Thomas and the Lowitja Institute design, facilitate and write up roundtable to identify research Aboriginal health priorities in the Northern Territory, June 2012. See:
  • Briefing paper on the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Plan. Assist the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) prepare a background paper on the development of a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health plan, March 2012.
  • Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation Leadership Workshop. Prepare and deliver workshop to enhance work of management team, Tennant Creek, April 2012.
  • Assistance to the Board and Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute, January 2012 to December 2012.


  • AMSANT Annual staff planning workshop. Design, facilitate and write up Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT) Annual Staff Workshop, December 2011.
  • Assistance to the Board and Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute, July 2011 to December 2011.
  • Review of the provisions of Schedule 8 of the Northern Territory Health Practitioners Act and the functions of the Pharmacy Premises Committee. Carried out for the Northern Territory Department of Health, August 2011 to November 2011.
  • Core functions of primary health care: a framework for the Northern Territory (with the assistance of David Thomas of The Lowitja Institute). Prepared for the Northern Territory Aboriginal Health Forum (NTAHF), December 2010 to August 2011. See
  • Katherine West Health Board Systems Assessment Tool (SAT) Review (with Jeannie Devitt). Design, facilitate and document SAT review process with primary health care team, June 2011.
  • Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation Regionalisation Workshop. Design, facilitate and write up Barkly regionalisation workshop with Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation Board and Commonwealth and Northern Territory Health Departments, Tennant Creek, February 2011.


  • AMSANT Annual staff planning workshop. Design, facilitate and run Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT) Annual Staff Workshop, December 2010.
  • Danila Dilba Aboriginal Medical Service Management Planning. Design, facilitate and write-up 2 day workshop for executive management at Danila Dilba, November 2010.
  • NT DHF Aboriginal Health Planning Retreat. Strategic planning workshop with Systems Performance and Aboriginal Policy Branch of Northern Territory Department of Health and Families, Jabiru November 2010.
  • Public and Environmental Health Bill Regulatory Impact Statement. Prepare RIS for presentation to Northern Territory Regulation Impact Committee on behalf of Northern Territory Department of Health and Families Environmental Health Branch, October 2010.
  • Katherine West Health Board Systems Assessment Tool (SAT) Planning (with Jeannie Devitt). Facilitate and document SAT planning workshops at KWHB health centres, May - June 2010. 
  • Shaping the future for the bush: supporting regionalisation of primary health care services in the Barkly. Writing and editing report for the Barkly Regionalisation Unit, Tennant Creek, June 2010. 
  • Katherine West Health Board Strategic Plan 2010 - 2014 (with Jeannie Devitt). Strategic Plan, community feedback report and background and context document, Katherine, August 2009 - February 2010.
  • AMSANT Business Planning Workshop. Plan, run and write up staff development and business planning workshop at Lake Bennett Resort, March 2010.


  • Barkly Region Primary Health Care Planning Workshop. Design, facilitation and report on workshop with service providers and Aboriginal community members of the Barkly region, prepared for the Barkly Regionalisation Unit / AMSANT Reform and Development Unit, Tennant Creek, November 2009.
  • NT DHF Area Service Manager Workshop on 'The Complex Network of Aboriginal Health' for the Northern Territory Department of Health and Families, Darwin, November 2009.
  • Analysis of the National Health and Hospital reform Commission's final report. Strategic policy brief prepared for the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory, Darwin, August 2009.
  • Reducing the harm from Alcohol, Tobacco and Obesity in Indigenous Communities: Key Approaches and Actions. Report for the National Preventative Health Taskforce, April 2009.
  • AMSANT Program Planning Workshop. Workshop and report for the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory, Darwin, February 2009.
  • Expanding Health Service Delivery Initiative (EHSDI) Strategic Objectives.Workshop and report for the NT Primary Health Reform Group, Darwin, January 2009.


  • Submission to the Northern Territory Government Outstations Policy Discussion Paper. Prepared for the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory, Darwin, December 2008.
  • AMSANT Organisational Review and Financial Rebasing Exercise. Prepared for the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory with the Northern Territory Department of Health and Families and Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, October 2008 (with Focal Point Consulting).
  • Submission to the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission. Prepared for the Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health, Darwin, September 2008. Available:
  • Aboriginal Policy Retreat. Workshop and report for the System Performance and Aboriginal Policy Division of the NT Department of Health and Families, September 2008.
  • Models of primary health care service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Central Coast/Lake Macquarie and Western/South Western Sydney regions of NSW (with Robert Griew Consulting and JTA International). A Report for the Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Department of Health and Ageing, June 2008.
  • A Review of evidence regarding chronic disease prevention in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (with Robert Griew Consulting and Thomas D).Report for the Australian Population Health Development Principal Committee (APHDPC), Canberra, June 2008.
  • An Audit of National and International Trends in Responding to Antisocial Behaviour (With Robert Griew Consulting and Tilton H). Report for the Northern Territory Department of Justice, Darwin, May 2008.
  • The link between primary health care and health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians (with Robert Griew Consulting and Thomas D). Report for the Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra, April 2008. Available:
  • Assistance to the Board and Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute, January 2012 to December 2012.